entire transcript. martha? martha: very interesting. that is not good math. that does not add up on the ol' trip calculator. peter doocy from d.c.. bill: gets deeper every day. concern if this continues and if it continues what kind of liability. i'm not sure. martha: where there is smoke there's fire. bill: perhaps. martha: perhaps in other agencies as well. bill: this could be a drag on any administration the longer it goes on. we'll see how it plays out. santorum's out. how does that change the race for mitt romney? we'll ask him when he joins us for his first national television interview since that bombshell was dropped just yesterday afternoon, martha. martha: we're looking forward to that. then there's this. his lawyers now say they can't find him. so they have quit. they say george zimmerman should not be making calls to people even like our own sean hannity, which happened yesterday of the so what did mr. zimmerman have to say to sean hannity? >> now yesterday i was contacted by an individual