out there and do advocacy, julie, we're the not doing that. >> jehmu, i want to ask you, first of all, do you believe there's a so-called war on women for republicans? and we just brought up there, angela did, equal pay anthes an issue that really burns on the nerves of every single working woman in this country. why is it that men, first of all, are still making more and are republicans, weak in that when it comes to pressing to get women back to work, more and more are out of the work force under this particular administration? >> well, julie, question, it's pretty whack that women are making 77 cents on the dollar for men. >> julie: whack, took the word out of my mouth. >> i think that the message around the war on women actually said this on the o'reilly factor last night. that that is a creation of communications, professionals, on the left. but it's also, it's based on the reality of what we are seeing across the country, and