need a woman telling me what to do every day. alisyn: anita, for those people who feel disgruntled that they were sold a false bill of goods, what could their case be? false advertising? >> they're trying to say it is false advertising. come on, siri is wonderful. i have an iphone 4. i have siri. she and i have a love/hate relationship. sometimes she tells me good things. sometimes she tells me things i don't want to hear. if they were dissatisfied with siri they could return the phone. filing a lawsuit is not what they need to do. i spoke this morning siri and told her she was being sued. she said would accept that, queen anita. i trained siri to call me queen anita. siri is fun. you have fun with it. sometimes i have to asker had the same thing 10 ims times to get answer i'm looking for. >> i would say that is design flaw. if you have to ask for something 10 times, the answer you're looking for are is it fair, marla, for people to be unhappy with their purchase and want