strengthen and protect the nation. >> and we promise we won't spy on americans. but i didn't hear that. >> but unless, of course, they have bad -- bad intentions. don't you want to know ahead of time? >> i want the -- i want the congress to decide when things like this are happening and i want the constitution to protect everybody's privacy and i want the federal government to keep us free and safe. >> ok. >> did you like that answer? >> it was a very good answer, judge. but i want the government to know when i'm having more cake in my oven. >> you do not want them to know that! mrs. kilmeade doesn't want them to know that. >> they would be so bored with my life, do i have to listen to this anymore? judge napolitano, thanks so much. >> have a great weekend. >> coming up straight ahead, outrage growing over the shooting death of trayvon martin but are some groups like the new black panther party calling for vigilante justice actually contributing to all the anger? and turning a dollar and dream to $540 million big ones. we are live in the middle of the mega millions madness. steve got a ticket! gretchen got a ticket.