communities, whether it's in a pipeline, in a train, in a truck, by passenger pigeon. ale sands is the wrong product to be shipping through america's communities. >> reporter: the whole debate is so hot right now because oil production between the shale fields of north dakota and oil sands of western canada is booming, martha. martha: indeed it is. thank you very much. dan springer. bill: fox news alert right now on the healthcare showdown. based on the clock they have been at it for 2 27 minutes. first round supreme court hearings underway. some argue don't mend it you have to get rid of all of it. tea party member steve king will make that point in a moment as we talk to him. martha: rick santorum taking heat over comments he made to a new york times reporter, listen to this. >> quit distorting my words. if i see it it's full of. [bleep] come on, man, what are you doing?