permission from them, and the defense secretary seemed to be doubling down on that a couple of times. >> you're right, megyn. by the way, i serve on an international advisory board for the secretary of state, but my views are my own, and i don't represent the u.s. government in any way, so i can be very frank. the secretary of defense made a mistake. he used the wrong word. i bet he doesn't use that word again. megyn: permission. >> using that word, "permission." that isn't what he meant and, clearly, that's not the policy of the united states. this secretary of defense didn't ask anybody's permission before they sent trouped in to kill bin laden. clearly, the policy of the united states is guided by what's in the u.s.' best interests. what panetta was trying to say is that when we want, when we engage in a war like we might engage in with syria, we want to build an international coalition, we want help doing it. i agree with senator sessions, by the way, in his concern that he was voicing that the department of defense and the