doesn't fit my management model. can't take a big risk. martha: ooh, fighting words from newt gingrich there. well, that space camp he was talking about in mocking santorum for, he visited that same facility. >> terrific debate, martha, with doug and brad about 25 months ago. we're asking you at home, is a long republican primary good or bad for the party? go to our website,"america's newsroom". you can weigh in and vote right now while we're on the air here. we'll bring you the nonscientific results a bit later in our program. about 55 minutes after the hour. martha: look forward to that. we got brand new video in of mitch mcconnell on the senate floor and he is slamming president obama for blocking the keystone pipeline. let's take a look at this: >> it's hard to even comprehend how touch, completely out of touch, he is on this issue. i mean, think about it.