say something they don't agree with their right to use your huge audience and venue to go after me or any liberal you don't agree with. >> sean: i don't know any conservative and you can't name one that's hiring private investors, that's organizing with the white house and collaborating with them and attempting to get advertisers to pull out of shows in an attempt to silent voices. you can name a conservative equivalent. >> i don't follow conservative media so i don't. >> sean: i can tell you i can't name one and i know conservatives. >> sean, let me say this, you have probably the largest audience of anybody in cable television. you have the right to say whatever you want. you have -- >> sean: no, i don't. >> why don't you? >> sean: i'm telling threw is an infrastructure well-funded by the left. >> you are on the number one cable network. >> sean: that's right. we are. >> in the country. what are you talking about? you have the most free speech of anybody. ann coulter has said things that are so incredibly offensive but i just -- >> sean: bill maher said about a democratic woman, what he said about sarah palin i would not be on the air today and