it's out and screaming and crying and driving him nuts. every day. >> eric: do we have time? i want to know bob's opinion on this 30-year-old georgetown lawyer who testified seems like a plant to me. 30 years old. doesn't seem like she will have a hard time finding contraception. what i also heard and we did research is she went to georgetown with the expressed purpose of exposing an issue ideological issue of hers. >> bob: i thought that was in another block. >> it's not. >> dana: it's eric's birthday, we talk about that. >> bob: it's eric's birthday so talk about that. i don't think it's a setup. it worked out perfectly well. i wish someone would think of it as a setup. i love that they did the mock theory on capitol hill after the republicans decided that the white guys should decide women's personal issues. >> greg: i agree but i want the dinner subsidized and the flowers and dessert.