provide contraception. >> dana: i'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it's strange, george stephanopoulos asked a question about contraception that i thought mitt romney answered well in the debate. i thought what are you talking about? then there was a contraceptive in january. santorum, you're right, he has to defend what he said in the past about it. how did we get to this point? >> greg: you have to understand what is more important than apartheid is making sure that people can have recreationm sex and we subsidize it. >> eric: how does mitt romney get around the mandate of the contraception in the healthcare plan? >> andrea: i don't know the details are about that. >> andrea: i don't care what they do in the state. >> bob: we agree the massachusetts thing he signed is a problem for him. a problem that planned parenthood was on the board. >> bob: but i'm saying he is slightly pregnant on this issue. borrow a phrase. >> andrea: he gave birth to that baby.