so since we don't have any other active tornado warnings, let's go to michelle stark at the news desk for an update on what we have seen so far. >> jason, we'll reset and give people an overview of where we're at this morning. we know there's significant damage in limestone county and madison county. we have our crews on the scene, you've seen the live images coming in but we'll continue to update you as we get the latest numbers. jon: because those are the faces you're not accustomed to seeing on fox news channel, we want to tell you we have been listening live to whnt, channel 19 in huntsville, alabama, where it is believed that a tornado has touched down earlier today. also a tornado reported in the northern alabama county of limestone, where we're told that the limestone correctional facility a. a prison, got raked by another tornado. a prison spokesman is confirming that, but no word yet on damage or injuries. the good news, obviously is

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People ,Damage ,Tornado Warnings ,Madison County ,Update ,Limestone County ,Overview ,News Desk ,Lets Go ,Michelle Stark ,Jason ,Jon Scott ,Numbers ,Fox News Alert ,Crews ,Scene ,Images ,Eef3 ,Northern Alabama ,Near Huntsville ,Whnt ,Limestone ,Northern Alabama County ,Limestone Correctional Facility A ,Channel 19 ,19 ,Word ,Injuries ,News ,Prison Spokesman ,Prison ,

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