the gas prices now? >> well, look, i think that any political leader you have to look not to what they say but what they do. this president with his words says he's for an all of the above strategy when it comes to energy but his actions say he's for none of the above. if you look at all the areas he said no to, whether it's alaska, whether it's offshore, whether it's oil shale, whether it's the keystone pipeline, streamline permitting, more leases, all those things this administration has said no to. as a consequence, we have lots of areas in this country that are off-limits to energy production and we are continuing to be dependent upon these types of countrying around the world that we don't have the best relationships with. so i think, yeah, the president's policies clearly have put us in a position where the energy cost for consumeners this country, and you talk about the swing states that rick was mentioning earlier, those were all states pocketbook issues will really matter in the elections this fall.