administration or anybody has really gone out and made the case. >> andrea: they don't want to. he doesn't want to bring it up in the "state of the union." >> juan: there is a lot to be said. i run into people -- i got to tell you something, this is interesting. obviously, kids stay on their parent's insurance until they're 26. >> brian: parents are upset. >> greg: they don't want to shell out more money. >> juan: secondly, a lot of people, not many at this table, but there are some people who remember the insurance companies weren't covering folks with preexisting conditions. there is a lot of good to be said. you point out the obama people aren't singing it. >> andrea: republicans aren't saying it as loud as they should. but look what he did to get the people covered? he cut half a trillion dollars for medicare. >> juan: stop. >> andrea: put it in obamacare, taking it from the old and give it to the young. you know that's exactly how he did it. >> juan: you know what? let me switch the subject. >> andrea: ohhh! >> juan: i want to ask you guys, i know you guys are so red. every time i come up here, i'm bathed in red. >> kimberly: i am wearing