of people that -- >> megyn: i the reason i'm laughing -- >> president obama -- >> mig mig the reason i'm laughing, i told the viewers, i'm one of the underwater homeowners, and nobody made me do it, the mortgage broker said this is a weird little mortgage, this is how it's working and i said i'll take the risk, i'm buying peak of the market, they had worked out some deal that lets me pay less anmonthly payment, if the market crashes i'm stuck holding the bag and i am. now, the question is, brad, if there's a moral what's arksd if the government bails me out, but not somebody else, and so on, and should they be in the position of deciding who gets the writedown on the mortgage and who doesn't? >> well, this whole administration, megyn, whether it's in health care, granting 3000 waivers to people, and there's no such thing as equal protection anymore under the law, under the obama white house, because if you're friends with them like solyndra, you get a pass, $500 billion f. you're a friend on health care, you get a pass, a