celebrating a major breakthrough after years of drilling under very harsh conditions near the south pole. they finally have reached a giant lake buried under miles of ice. some are comparing the difficulty of what they have accomplished to reaching another planet. tom jones is a former astronaut for nasa and a fox news contributor, we'll be talking with him. but first, let's talk with robin bell, with the earth observatory, she joins us on the phone from london. so this lake was, i guess, only discovered in the last 20 years or so. it's the size of lake ontario, but it's buried under two miles of ice? >> right, exactly. under two miles of ice. even though it's -50 at the top, it's only, like, -28 at the bottom. jon: and the excitement, the scientific excitement about finding this thing or actually getting a drill rig down to it is that the water that's buried this has been buried for' ons.