of those who voted in 2008 are catholic. and that doesn't even pull in the evangelical vote. >> you don't need to be cat hreufpblgt it has nothing to do with whether i'm going to vote for him or not. it has to do with a very simple philosophical question, should the government be allowed to force you to violate your conscience just because some lobbyist giving them money, and the answer is no. if i was a liberal i'd basketball against it. bill: why if you knew this was going to cause the ripple that it has, why would you do it in the first place? >> because the one group that the white house never tangles with, ever, the one group they obey to the letter is the a portion lobby. it's just true. the first act as president, the president committed, of course, was -- >> this is not about abortion. this is not the morning-after-pill. the morning-after-pill has nothing to do with this. this is not an abortion issue. it's a healthcare issue that