young boys, ages two and four at the time, camping at midnight in utah, but they never came up with any physical evidence, they never found a body, despite numerous searches. they only had circumstantial evidence. steve powell is on suicide watch. i said that he was in prison, awaiting charges on child pornography, he is on suicide watch. remember, he came out a short time after her disperrance and said that susan was flirting with him, that they had a relationship. so this very bizarre case is taking yet another tragic turn, and it's just horrible, but we're going to get more answers today as investigators come back on the scene. jenna: back to you as we hear more, dan. thank you very much, dan springer in washington for us today. well, mitt romney, riding high after a decisive tpwheupb florida and nevada. how would he fare against the president? we brought this up with bret. we're going to take a look at this. karl rove joins us with brand new poll numbers just ahead. jon: also, president obama speaking out on the speculation about a possible