lugar says attacks are unfair. how can you not legally own the house from which you're registered to vote, and shouldn't there be something done to clean up the election laws so we have honesty and integrity and transparency in our elections? >> eric, if you lived in indianapolis, you'll find the local media, all the local media, if you're rich and famous, on either side of the aisle, they'll never mention anything about this. they will surprise it. the fact that governor daniels -- i take exception to what he said about ethics or integrity about me in the paper on sunday. mitch daniels has voted incorrectly, according to the standards put on by me the last 10 straight elections under the constitution of the state of indiana and under the statue. he shall reside in marion county, claims his homestead, $3.8 million that he built with construction documents saying it was owned by leonard watson, the designer, and it was not. then he votes down at the governor's mansion, where everyone knows he does not live. the local media will not talk