condition of breathing in america, you have to go out and buy private sector insurance or the government will fine you is something that people get angry about. and i was reflecting that anger with not anger but passion to make sure that we have a nominee who is contrasted with barack obama on the most important issue of freedom in this country and that's obamacare and what governor romney did last night was stand up and forcefully defend government controlling the health care system at the state level and he's trying to say, well, that will differentiate myself from president obama and i'm just for government control at the state level and not the federal level. that's huey! the bottom line he's for government control of health care which is not a conservative principle and does not differentiate himself between president obama and that is a big, big liability for us going into this general election. >> senator, thanks so much for your time. i know you're going to be heading home soon but you're not giving up on the party. you made that clear. >> look, i got to straighten this out. i'm heading home because

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