toba who watches the young people's show. ron paul was hilarious last night. very funny. >> three zingers. he talked about his age and a couple of other ones. >> send in politicians to space and stuff like that. i wonder if mitt romney has last night had a pretty good night. peggy noonan writes in "the wall street journal" today, he was strong, more in command. looked tall again. i wonder if any of that had to do with the fact that he employed a new debate coach that's been working with him. >> it probably does because since he employed that debate coach, he's had two bang up performances, the last two debates. he also talked about -- and had no apologies for being successful. he says that that's the american dream. that he didn't inherit his money. that he made everything and made who he is today. >> and essentially, after the immigration ad and all the controversy around it, he asked for an apology. you should really apologize that led to this exchange between newt and mitt. >> you've indicated somehow i don't earn that money. i have earned the money that i