>> bill: go ahead. >> why, thank you. every group that has come to this country have assimilated the exact same way. first generation doesn't tend to learn the language. their children learn the language. eat the foods, enjoy our culture. they assimilate. >> cathy, it's not like it used to be. sorry. it isn't. our education system does not teach the children about constitution or any of our constitution, our history. no. it's different. >> bill: don't teach that to white people either. i'm not taking any sides on. this that's why i said it's not a race issue. it's a lack of assimilation. >> bill: people should check out pat buchanan's book tore themselves. >> absolutely. it's great book. >> bill: plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. jay leno tells a joke and sued. kelly whether the service violating law by letting occupiers live on federal land. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. ♪