year, the incumbent said anything, i wouldn't expect anything less tomorrow. >> no doubt about it, he wants to frame the message and just laying out, this president does want to make it a choice between what he's laying out and what the republicans are laying out and inside the obama campaign they say it doesn't matter who the eventually republican nominee is, they believe in chicago, and inside the white house behind me, that the republicans are saying all of the same things on the economy, jobs, taxes, et cetera, and the president has a different vision he's been laying out in recent weeks, he doesn't think the middle class is getting a fair shake, that there is he' income inequality and the republicans charge that is class war fare and the president said it's about giving everyone a fair chance, take a listen. >> and we're building an economy where the hard work pays off. and an america where everybody gets a fair shot. >> now, also, we're hearing from officials that one of the things we may hear from the