by governor perry about tax records. governor romney in the debate said he would release them, maybe in april. didn't get specific. so he is pressed about that today. start with an overview. bring in the panel. steve hayes, senior writer for "weekly standard." kirsten powers for daily beast. syndicated columnnist charles krauthammer. charles, winner and loser? >> well, the big winner i think obviously was newt. this is not one of the debates that was muddy. there was a clear one, gingrich. started out wobbly as we saw at bain stuff and the ads. as soon as he pivoted away, he won the night, obviously. not only when he answered the question about food stamps and the poor, and hand outs but he got lucky when he was the one who who was given the question afterron paul had answered your question about bin laden raid. that was the lowest in the paul campaign and lowest moment of the evening.

Related Keywords

Mitt Romney Didn T ,Debate ,Reagan Didn T ,Governor ,Panel ,Steve Hayes ,Tax Records ,Overview ,Weekly Standard ,Newt Gingrich ,Payroll Tax Holiday ,Debates ,Charles Krauthammer ,Winner ,Loser ,Syndicated Columnnist ,Kirsten Powers ,Daily Beast ,One ,Night ,Question ,Ads ,Food Stamps ,Poor ,Stuff ,Hand Outs ,Congressman Paul ,Campaign ,Usama Bin Laden ,Lowest ,Evening ,Afterron Paul ,Raid ,

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