but there's still this question of whether or not natalie holloway's family will get justice, whatever that means? >> i think it's interesting, jenna, first of all, that he got nearly the maximum sentence. in peru there are no life sentences or death penalties. thirty years was the max he could have gotten. he got 28. he got two years off because of his confession to the murder of stephany flores ramirez, so he did confess to one of the crimes, he got the near maximum, 28 years. he's 24 years old now, plus 28, 52 years old. so if he survives his very harsh existence in a maximum security prove yang prison -- peruvian prison high in the andes on the bolivian border, then i think he can still be brought back to the united states to face the charges that he attempted to extort $250,000 from beth holloway, the family of natalie holloway, in exchange for information as to where she was buried. so i think that we, we may hear