clothes, it gets to be like master blaster. ron paul is in the thing going, chris chris stey say you no run barter town. >> he backs off and looks as kristi and everybody is like, oh, we know what is about to happen. >> have i to tell you though -- i have to tell you, here is the thing. i disagree with you. it is good to have an alpha as vp because he tells the beta what he is doing wrong. if it is a reverse -- this is a study done with airline pilots. if you don't have a pilot that has the guts to tell another pilot he is doing something wrong, you could all die. they have a pilot flying and a lesser whatever pilot -- why am i talking about this? >> an alpha male president and a beta male president and jobs are dying. maybe there is truth. >> i'm with you on that. from veer -- vermin to ventures, has it become the bane of his existence? i am the only person using that. nobody else will use that.