aryan foster and he is a stud. 31-10 they roll. good for gary kubiak, his first ever playoff win and they get baltimore on sunday. guys, it was a big night in sports, did you a stay up and watch that game. >> i watched the first half and then bedtime. >> dave: we talked about newt's sports stumbles, a diplomatic answer when he's rooting in tomorrow's championship game. tomorrow, newt. saying, quote, i have to confess, while i think lsu is a very, very good team. my personal feeling if i were betting $10,000 i would bet on lsu, but my heart belongs to alabama so he very much hedged his bets there. >> mike: he's a politician. >> alisyn: is that a jab at mitt romney or does he have $10,000. >> dave: it's a jab at romney, but strardling the fence and clearly the $10,000 wasn't subtle.