>> good boy. >> that dog has more purpose in life than any kardashian. here is the thing, this will be a long question. the group campaign acts as if cardashian makes $40,000 a year. i barrowed brett bear's calculater and i crunched the numbers. if kim made $10 million and paid 10% taxes that's $1.2 million. if somebody made $47% pays 9% it is $4,200. so it is not the same thing. >> for example, let's say if you make that type of money, do you think she needs an uh sis stebts? absolutely. do you think that person needs insurance? yes -- yes. they need a tv person and a hair person. she grows an industry. in california's mind we are better off taking that money from kim kardashian and giving it to the legislators who can't balance a budget and haven't in seven years. they are better off getting