earmarks and the corn husker kick back was a pork bill, you know, basically nod to get senator nelson's vote for health care and loaded for pork and earmarkings. founding fathers said it was unconstitutional. never in congress were they allowed to have pork spending. we lived for two hundred years without. q. thomas jefferson said the meanest people in government get the most pork and would waste it. >> liz just did it, and what do you say? >> that is a perfect description and i made notes to say the same thing. liz, you and i are one on and 30 billion is very symbolically important and engages the american people about a proper discussion on the role of government. i would point out that we should be talking about economic growth.

Related Keywords

Earmarks ,Pork ,Vote ,Earmarkings ,Pork Bill ,Senator Nelson ,Corn Husker Kick ,Health Care ,Government ,Congress ,People ,Thomas Jefferson ,Pork Spending ,Fathers ,Two Hundred ,It ,Liz ,Description ,Thing ,Notes ,One ,Growth ,Role ,Discussion ,30 Billion ,

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