essentially the speech last night was saying i cannot win, everybody, but i will put a blow torch to mitt romney every day, i will chew him up in the debate. santorum can talk about the the economic plan. that the "wall street journal" gave kudos to this weekend. blue collar voters. santorum has perfect foil in gingrich. he wins by having him go after him. >> eric: so what happens with romney? hold it. what happens to romney if newt and santorum hit iowa? positive and negative. >> dana: he continues as he has been. their campaign is saying it's not like we haven't been attacked. we have been the front runner for year. of course we've been attacked. remember bret baier asked him about healthcare one of the times we thought you're not ready for that? you are still testy about it? wait until president obama gets ahold of you. but another person we haven't talked about is rick perry. he came in fourth -- fifth.