the radio program and the o'reilly factor has a lot of great thoughts and wisdom and mitt romney who currently is, if you believe the polls out in iowa, he is just a whisker ahead of ron paul and a surging rick santorum. so we've got a very, very busy two hours left on the program and we start with the headlines. >> ok. i'll bring that to you right now. the man accused of setting 52 fires in california reportedly said he hates america. those words spoken by 24-year-old harry burkhart when police arrested him. turns out he's a german citizen who sources say was furious over his mother's deportation battle. he's closely resembling the man if you take a look at your screen, this is surveillance video they had of him and they say that was the guy. he was caught by a reserve deputy who only worked a couple of hours a week. that deputy stopped the suspect's van because it matched one seen by witnesses. >> we had a test to run and nix