fact end up putting romney on top? >> no, i'm not surprised and i've said when november rolls around, those of us who are evangelicals christians may have to hold our nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. it's not november yet. there's plenty of shopping days left and i'm encouraging christians right now to choose the most competent, consistently conservative christian with character. we don't have to settle yet for the presumed frontrunners. >> in iowa today, doctor, they've got to settle on somebody. and the top three candidates of the value voters are rick santorum, michelle bachmann, and rick perry. you're from texas. rick perry is your favorite. >> i'm loyal to the very end. i personally endorsed governor perry when i introduced him in october and i'll stay loyal to the end. look, i don't try to tell people for whom to vote. that's an individual choice but i do believe that the santorum surge proves that anyone who is electable if they get enough votes and i'm just saying don't