pretty -- i think he could be a very formidable foe. jon: he's been kind of a stocking horse candidate for a long time, always there, making a big deal about his 99-county visit, i think the only or maybe one of the candidates on the republican side to visit every county in iowa. he's always been there plugging along but never really showing up in great numbers until, basically, right now. >> yeah. and he's kind of dorky, and he's not the sort of, he's not a rock star candidate, he's not the kind of guy that you think of that you see the sunshining on his face that, you know, normally to win a presidential race or even to win a nomination that you normally need. but like you say, he's kind of the tortoise in this race, he has never stopped, he's never wavered, and he's the same sort of dorky, you know, consistent guy that he has been all along which is, i guess, more than -- which is, honestly, the real problem with mitt romney is that he's not the same guy that he's always been all these years.