lady and the strong principled conservative woman that america needs right now to get the economy back. there is only one candidate who really will repeal obamacare. that's me. i led 40,000 people to washington, d.c. to take that issue on. barak obama knows me. i've taken him on on obamacare, on dodd frank, on out of control spending. i've taken him on. i'll do it in the debate and that's why i will defeat him in 2012 and he will be a one-term president. >> eric: i absolutely believe that you believe that as well. but i'm trying to get this figure -- figure this out. newt gingrich earlier, i believe it was yesterday, couldn't say that he would vote for ron paul. in fact, he was asked directly, would you vote for ron paul if he were the nominee and he flat out said no, i wouldn't do that. my question is, i'm a conservative as you are. anyone but obama for me, for my liking. so if it is a ron paul, would you be able to vote there? >> well, it's not going to be ron paul as the nominee. that's the point. he won't be the nominee.