bathroom would look like? clean? the sheets would be -- well, the towels will be wrinkle free. any restaurant rest restroom? what is he thinking? that's where the real devil is. >> i don'ts have a bathroom. it is a hole in the ground. >> greg, is it possible that the bathroom just didn't have the privacy that paul wanted? >> he is a doctor, and it is 1997. clearly he is like -- i don't know. you know what he is? he is a cranky old man, and this is how cranky old men think. the other thing too is it raises a really interesting question. he is a libertarian of the he believes in staying out of everybody's business. can you be simultaneously tolerant and intoll represent -- and intolerant? the guy said he is not against gays, he is just scared of them. so you can actually -- that describes a lot of elderly people who just didn't grow up around gay people. and he is not used to them.