president's ear and they thought you were a threat. >> that's washington all the time. and fortunately we were able to mostly make it work. i had my job to do. when i became secretary of state i was no longer the honest broker. i was no longer coordzating them. i think from the vice president's point of view he didn't like that i won most of those arguments but i did. >> bill: i can't imagine that he would like that. no higher honor memoir of my years in washington. i think -- if the vice president is watching, you should be, you know, like a no spin dr. rice here and come on in and have a chat. that wasn't too painful. >> it was great. bill. always great to be with you. >> bill: thank you, doctor. i appreciate it pinheads and patriots on deck. my favorite part starring actress meryl streep. there she is. her sticky fingers and the white house. p and p up ahead.