move forward with enrichment and with weaponization, then that is possible. he was very clear, though, that we don't know if that decision has been made inside the iranian regime. we certainly hope that they don't make that decision. heather: so what does that mean for the threat from iran? dr. walid phares is fox news middle east and terrorism analyst and author of "the coming revolution: the struggle for freedom in the middle east," and he joins us now. thanks for joining u. >> sure. heather: when we hear pentagon press secretary george little saying but based on the best information available to officials, we don't know whether iran's regime has made one of the decisions that would be necessary to put its arms program on a fast track, that's concerning to say the very least. so i ask you, how great is this threat? >> well, the threat is real, it's strategic, it has been expressed by the iranian regime. unfortunately, in washington what we're dealing with are two messages coming from the