gogovevernrnmementnt, , sasaidididid i intntereresting things. rereadad t thehe h houourr o off judgment w wililll nonott c comomee u untntililuslims kill ththee j jewews.s.s.s. fifighght t anandd k kililll t thehe j jewews. wowomemememeararee c calalled weak a andnd irirrerespspononsisiblblee.. hohomeme s sexexuaualslshey s sayayhohoululdd bebe - --- homosexexuaualsls t theheyy s sayay shououldld be k kililleledd b bececauausesesese t theheyy posese danger toooococieietyty.. ththatat's's n notot a allll.. the list goes on. memeanantitimeme, , ththee u.s. . foforereigignn a a a a ininteterereststining g ququesestitionon h herere t t saudi a arrababiaia.. sisincncee 2 200000000 l looookk at this.s. ththee u u.s.s. . hahass g givivenenenen s sauaudidi s sadad momomomo t thahann $ $ $ $9 9 bibillllioion n inin foforereigign n n n d.d. befoforerererehehe b brereakak we asked yoyou,u, s shohoululdd t thehe u u.s.s. . cucuttttffff sasaududi arabia. nonott s sururprprisisisisglgly,y, t theherere a arere ththee a a a awewersrs.. 9393%% o off y youounn t thehe nononsnscicienentitifific c ononlililili p pololl said yes. 7%7% s saiaidddd n no.o. babackck w witititit t thehe p pananelel.. whwhatat a aboboutut t thihiss s stotoryry.... ththee r reaealilizazatitiononononff f fororeign aid toto s sauaudidididi a ararabibibibi?? > t thihis s isis s stutunnnnining. itit's's i inenexcxcususususlele g givivenen w whahatt

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Wililll Reresosonanatete ,Rereadad T ,Kill Ththee ,Theheyys Sayay Shououldld Bek Kililleleddb Bececauausesesese ,Things ,Hohomeme ,Sayayhohoululdd Bebe ,Wowomemememearareec Calalled ,Sasaididididi Intntereresting ,Homosexexuaualsls ,Comomeeu Untntililuslims ,Fifighghtt Ananddk Kililllt Thehej Jewews ,Jewewssss ,Theheh Houourro Off Judgment ,Andnd Irirrerespspononsisiblblee ,Sexexuaualslshey ,Ththee ,Sauaudidi ,Ththatatss N ,List ,Thiss Ththee U ,Uss Hahass ,Us ,Foforereigignn Aaaa ,Sadad Momomomo ,Danger Toooococieietyty ,Notota Allll ,Herere Tt ,Sisincncee ,Memeanantitimeme ,Looookk ,Theheyy Posese ,Saudia Arrababiaia ,Ininteterereststiningg Ququesestitionon ,2200000000 ,2 ,Itts Shohoululdd ,I Isnsnt Tt Theherere ,Gu ,Aaa ,Arere Ththee ,Bibillllioion N ,Theheu Uss ,Befoforererereheheb Brereakak ,Inin Foforereigign ,Yoyou ,Thehe Nononsnscicienentitifific ,Ononlilililip Pololl ,Nonotts Sururprprisisisisglgly ,Nnndd ,Cucuttttffff Sasaududi Arabia ,9 ,19393 , ,Secectt Ininflflueuencnciningg Ththee ,Itit S ,Witititit T ,Toto S ,Whahatt Ththeyey ,Thehep Pananelel ,Ararabibibibi ,Saiaidddd N ,T Thihis ,Fororeign ,Whwhatata Aboboutut ,Sauaudidididi ,O Babackck ,Aid ,I Inenexcxcususususleleg Givivenen ,Thihisss Stotoryry ,Isiss Stutunnnnining ,7 ,

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