gogovevernrnmementnt, , sasaidididid i intntereresting things. rereadad t thehe h houourr o off judgment w wililll nonott c comomee u untntililuslims kill ththee j jewews.s.s.s. fifighght t anandd k kililll t thehe j jewews. wowomemememeararee c calalled weak a andnd irirrerespspononsisiblblee.. hohomeme s sexexuaualslshey s sayayhohoululdd bebe - --- homosexexuaualsls t theheyy s sayay shououldld be k kililleledd b bececauausesesese t theheyy posese danger toooococieietyty.. ththatat's's n notot a allll.. the list goes on. memeanantitimeme, , ththee u.s. . foforereigignn a a a a ininteterereststining g ququesestitionon h herere t t saudi a arrababiaia.. sisincncee 2 200000000 l looookk at this.s. ththee u u.s.s. . hahass g givivenenenen s sauaudidi s sadad momomomo t thahann $ $ $ $9 9 bibillllioion n inin foforereigign n n n d.d. befoforerererehehe b brereakak we asked yoyou,u, s shohoululdd t thehe u u.s.s. . cucuttttffff sasaududi arabia. nonott s sururprprisisisisglgly,y, t theherere a arere ththee a a a awewersrs.. 9393%% o off y youounn t thehe nononsnscicienentitifific c ononlililili p pololl said yes. 7%7% s saiaidddd n no.o. babackck w witititit t thehe p pananelel.. whwhatat a aboboutut t thihiss s stotoryry.... ththee r reaealilizazatitiononononff f fororeign aid toto s sauaudidididi a ararabibibibi?? > t thihis s isis s stutunnnnining. itit's's i inenexcxcususususlele g givivenen w whahatt