absolutely overnight with over fence. >> dana: this, bob, ask what this is. this is, we took a collection for our friends in norway, because there is a butter shortage in norway. and we are going to pack thing up and send it to them. eric, do you mind telling us how is it possible that in a civilized western country you can have a butter shortage? >> bob: the richest one, too. >> eric: run by a bunch of socialists. >> oh! >> eric: quasi-socialist economy and government. if you put that tariff on a product, they had a tough winter. then it becomes $500 pounds of butter. >> dana: people are trying to churn their own bulter before the holiday. one thing i thought about, they attribute part of this to a high fat diet. >> greg: butter is the healthiest you can eat. see in my book "butter is everything." in the 18th printing. >> bob: i can't believe it's not butter.