they have also been battling over whether to extend payroll tax cuts if they don't take action, all of our paychecks will shrink a bit next to extend unemployment benefits. now after days of squabbling and public theater, lawmakers on both sides are hinting its compromise time. >> i i think everyone just needs to step back and take a deep breath. there is an easy way to untangle all of. this we are better than all of this. congress is better than. this we have got to prove it and this is going to be an opportunity. so, let's all join hands and do what we know needs to be done for our country. >> shepard: okay, joining hands, kum ba yah, that's all well and good. get down to the brass tachs and figure out a course of action. mike emanuel is on capitol hill. where do we stand, mikey? >> still a couple of hours from a deal, that is unless they get stuck again.