that's key in this whole thing. and one provision is the keystone pipeline. remember, this was going to be the pipeline from canada down to texas that at one point, president obama was in favor of. why? because it would create up to 20,000 jobs. and we are in an economy right now where we need to try to create jobs. but those who opposed it were the environmentalists. remember about a month ago, the president came out and said we're not going to make a decision until after the election and many people thought that was politics. now the republicans have attached that to this payroll extension. and the president has said, i will veto it so if he's working both sides of the fence on this, that's what the majority whip kevin mccarthy is saying. >> such hypocrisy. here's a president that campaigns around the country saying we can't wait. he says i can't make a decision. this is a pipeline that comes from canada and goes all the way to louisiana. supplies energy and make our energy price lower. if we don't make the decision, canada will sell it to china. this is a pattern of behavior when he was in the senate, his