coming in on twitter. it seems like everything he said during his speech was justification for him to stay in the race, right, the media is attacking me, my wife is with me. why didn't he stay in this race? >> because's a loser because he did not tell anybody. he was in denial. he was complete denial about what his real life was like and unfortunately when people get to be ceo's or politicians people don't tell them reality. so, he had no idea what he was doing was all the skirt chasing which caused this kind of problem. >> that's not right. herman cain is not a loser, those are allegations and's done so many wonderful things in his life. i think that he-- >> you don't believe he had a 13 year affair with somebody. >> i don't know, that's not-- herman cain is a great guy and all i've got to say is 9-9-9. >> and here is the thing, ellen made a judgment based on no facts. >> right. >> that he didn't or didn't do it. what he did do is handle it like a businessman and wondered how it would play