energy, making our own beads relying on jerks. climate change, don't be rattled by chicken little. unicorns exist and they are awesome. conservatives must be as simple as a happy meal, not a complicated dish understood only by hairless wanton. pick the best guy, warts and all. i'm voting carrot top and i hope you do the same. >> dana: my gosh. >> kimberly: that is some hair do. >> greg: exactly. dana, since you seem to be paying attention. [ laughter ] >> dana: i'm going to save you from kimberly ripping your face -- >> kimberly: pay back. >> greg: are conservatives picky or not picky enough? >> dana: we're picky. i don't mind that. it makes the candidates better. right now, people get this out of their system. they're like uh, we didn't get our first choice. we have didn't get mcdaniels or chris christie, rick perry didn't do as well as we