there is no other reason to basically explain it. secondly, the ginger white was having financial problems. and i was trying to help her. and, boom, she decides she will go public with this information. >>neil: did she tell you that? that she would go public? >>guest: this was totally out of the blue. you can imagine how disappointed i was and my wife was very disappointed by hearing this stuff, it was totally out of the blue, so i can't it is here and say after working in business for over 40 years that someone also may not come up with root trumped up charge. this isn't, this is about trying to bring down herman cain, but to they are going to bring down herman cain and a heavy price on my family, i'm, i am in the process of reassessing that, so i can't . >>neil: has it had an effect on your wife you are assessing your wife's feeling, what did