>> 40 to 90% more prohe ductive you found. >> the statistics are just astounding. i have done a lot of gathering of those data and they show that fee simple lands 40% to 90% more productive than the lands held in trust. as manny said, these indians who have their land under the trusteeship of the federal government can't borrow against them, they are really locked in to a poverty cycle as a result. >> john: it is amazing that no group has been more taken care of by big government than the indians and no group in america has done worse. >> fundamentally the root of the problem is the fact that we don't have the same property rights as others take for granted. and that has to fundamentally change. we have to be able to recognize the collective ownership by the tribe or the band and free the imagination of the individual entrepreneur. we have had economies that went back many, many m millenia and