the senate plans on bringing up these two things in a stand alone bill when congress comes back into session. >> this is a way to begin afresh. we let everybody down with the super committee. let's begin fresh by giving everybody something that we know everybody wants. they can't possibly be any controversy on this one. >> when president obama talks about the possibility of the payroll tax cut ending, he says this will be the worst possible time for that. but republicans don't plan on letting the white house paint the congress as do nothing, if nothing gets done because speaker of the house john boehner has already said in a statement "we told the president in september that we stand ready to have an honest and fruitfu discussion with him regarding the payroll tax extension and that invitation stands." and just for some perspective, while we're talking about how the super committee just failed because they couldn't decide on how to pay for $1.2 trillion in cuts, these extensions of the payroll tax and the jobless benefits would cost somewhere around $200 billion.