weapons in order to track them down. at least one were used by mexican drug car tells to kill a border agent last december. holder was grilled in a congressional hearing last week over his knowledge of the program. he testified he didn't know about the operation and it was not directly tied to terry's death and passed on the opportunity to apologize to terry's family. florida's allen is west is one of the dozens of congressmen who believe that holder is not telling the wole truth. >> if the president does not agree with that stance perhaps the president of the united states of america is also complicit in this horrible tragic event operation fast and furious. >> mike: congressman allen west is joining me now. congressman, thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: you have called for the resignation of eric holder. do you think it is going to happen? >> well, i would pray that it would happen. i would hope that we would have people that would step up to