anti-semantic remarks at this occupy wallstreet, anti-americanism, filth, rape, you name it, it's unbelievable. i want you to analyze this next cut talking about burning new york city down and molotov cocktails in macy's with how the media covered the tea party. i want you to analyze this through that prism. >> on the 17th we will meet [bleep] the at the new york stock exchange and we will burn this [bleep] and down on the 17th. and on the 17th we are going to be [bleep], we are going to burn this [bleep] down. >> no more talking. they got guns, we got bombs, they got bricks, we got rocks. let's see what they have got. >> they have missiles, we got bombs. >> i want you to -- he want them to make that decision n a few days they will see what a