election. how do you keep track of all this stuff? do you have a cheat cheat, write he it on your hand, flash cards, what do you do? >> reporter: the truth of the matter is, jenna nothing sufficess watching the polls as to listen to voters in iowa, and south carolina. we are already seeing a lot of questions and misgivings about herman cain and mitt romney and newt gingrich. all of this goes in cycles. the question is whether or not in another three and a half, hour weeks when we get into the real holiday season whether or not mitt romney is still in the mid 20s. anybody who crests that 20% mark is getting the kind of pounding that newt gingrich is seeing now. if they can sustain it maybe we'll get really action. jenna: very interesting stuff as always. carl cameron stphao. jon: the fox poll is a national poll. you ought to take a look at states like iowa.