financially a lot better off. >> you think about it, i think stenny hoyer or someone of his elk said that was a radical idea. well, it's not a radical idea. you think about how many state legislatures meet part-time. i just left new hampshire a couple hours ago. they meet part-time and they get their work done. my home state we meet for 140 days every other year. texas would be the 13th largest economy in the world if it were a stand alone entity and we are able to get our work done. the best i can tell texas is doing pretty well compared to the rest of the country from the standpoint of job creation i think having a part-time congress with half the staff, half the pay and let them spend half the time in washington d.c. they have been spending and i have to figure america will be twice as good off, at least. >> well, look at, for example, we had peter scweizer last