with my life? >> jersey guy, came from a blue collar background. >> jumps into dogs? >> it's like taking the s.a.t. test, you have to find the context out of just a snippet. >> you know what i think about the s.a.t.'s, there are certain questions that you can skip. >> that's why you got a lower score. >> right. >> please help brian and let him know what that video means. >> what does that video mean? >> he's not going to stop new zuccotti park where police have been kicking out thousands of occupiers starting at about 1:00 a.m. this morning. they've arrested 70 people so through the city threatening to block morning traffic. right now, sanitation crews still working on cleaning up the unsanitary and dangerous mess in the park. the occupiers will be allowed to return after the cleanup is done but without their tents. and despite police efforts to evict occupiers in oakland for a